
Are You Using “kubectl auth can-i”?. The Underutilized Command You Need to Know

In the Kubernetes realm, ensuring the security and proper assignment of roles and permissions within a cluster is paramount. Kubernetes administrators often face the challenge of verifying whether a particular user or service account has the necessary permissions to act. This is where the often underutilized ‘kubectl auth can-i’ command comes into play, offering a straightforward way to check access rights without executing the actual operation.

The Power of ‘kubectl auth can-i’: 

The ‘kubectl auth can-i’ command is a part of the Kubernetes command-line tool that allows you to query the Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) to check if a user, group, or service account can perform a specific action. It’s an invaluable command for DevOps engineers and Kubernetes administrators to verify and troubleshoot permissions.

Basic Usage: To use ‘kubectl auth can-i’, you simply follow the syntax:

kubectl auth can-i <verb> <resource>

For example, if you want to check if your current user can create deployments in the default namespace, you would use:

kubectl auth can-i create deployments

Checking Permissions for a Service Account: 

Let’s say you have a service account named ‘monitoring-sa’ in the ‘monitoring’ namespace, and you want to check if it has permission to list endpoints (which is crucial for service discovery in monitoring solutions). You could run:

kubectl auth can-i list endpoints --namespace monitoring --as system:serviceaccount:monitoring:monitoring-sa

This command will return ‘yes’ if the service account has the required permissions, or ‘no’ if it does not.

Advanced Examples: 

You can also use ‘kubectl auth can-i’ to check permissions for verbs that are not part of the standard Kubernetes API. For instance, if you’re using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), you can check permissions for these as well:

kubectl auth can-i create mycustomresources.mydomain.com --as system:serviceaccount:monitoring:monitoring-sa

Besides checking permissions for standard Kubernetes API actions and Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), ‘kubectl auth can-i’ can be used to verify permissions for specific API subresources. Subresources like ‘status’ and ‘scale’ are important for certain operations and can have separate permissions from the main resource.

For instance, if you want to check if a service account has the permission to update the status of a deployment, which is a common requirement for continuous deployment setups, you could use:

kubectl auth can-i update deployments/status --namespace production --as system:serviceaccount:default:deploy-sa

This command will check if the ‘deploy-sa’ service account in the ‘default’ namespace has permission to update the status subresource of deployments in the production namespace.

Another advanced use case is checking permissions for pod exec, which is crucial for debugging:

kubectl auth can-i create pod/exec --namespace development --as system:serviceaccount:default:debug-sa

This will verify if the ‘debug-sa’ service account in the ‘default’ namespace is allowed to execute commands in pods within the ‘development’ namespace. This is particularly useful when setting up service accounts for CI/CD pipelines that need to perform diagnostic commands in running pods.

By providing multiple advanced examples, we can demonstrate the versatility of the ‘kubectl auth can-i’ command in managing complex permission scenarios in Kubernetes.

Looking Ahead: 

The ‘kubectl auth can-i’ command is a simple yet powerful tool to help manage and verify permissions within a Kubernetes cluster. It’s an essential command for anyone responsible for the security and integrity of their Kubernetes environment.

Remember, always verify before you deploy!

Basics: Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets

Kubernetes offers robust tools for managing application configurations and safeguarding sensitive data: ConfigMaps and Secrets. This article provides hands-on examples to help you grasp these concepts.

What are ConfigMaps?

ConfigMaps in Kubernetes are designed to manage non-sensitive configuration data. They are generally created using YAML files that specify the configuration parameters.

Example: Environment Variables

Consider an application that requires a database URL and an API key. You can use a ConfigMap to set these as environment variables. Here’s a sample YAML file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: app-config
  DB_URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db
  API_KEY: key123

Mounting ConfigMaps as Volumes

ConfigMaps can also be mounted as volumes, making them accessible to pods as files. This is useful for configuration files or scripts.

Example: Mount as Volume

To mount a ConfigMap as a volume, you can modify the pod specification like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-pod
  - name: my-container
    image: my-image
    - name: config-volume
      mountPath: /etc/config
  - name: config-volume
      name: app-config

What are Secrets?

Secrets are used for storing sensitive information like passwords and API tokens securely. It’s important to note that the data in Secrets should be encoded in base64 for an added layer of security.

Example: Secure API Token

To store an API token securely, you can create a Secret like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: api-secret
  API_TOKEN: base64_encoded_token

To generate a base64-encoded token, you can use the following command:

echo -n 'your_actual_token' | base64

In Summary

ConfigMaps and Secrets are indispensable tools in Kubernetes for managing configuration data and sensitive information. Understanding how to use them effectively is crucial for any Kubernetes deployment.

Understanding the Differences: kubectl exec vs kubectl attach

Kubernetes has become a cornerstone in the container orchestration world, and being adept at maneuvering through the Kubernetes environment is crucial for DevOps professionals.

Among the various tools at our disposal, kubectl stands out as an essential command-line tool for interacting with clusters.

kubectl exec

The kubectl exec command is utilized to run commands in a specific container within a Pod.

When you execute kubectl exec, it creates a new terminal session inside the container which allows for both interactive and non-interactive command execution.

Example: Suppose you have a running Pod hosting a web service and you wish to check the contents of a specific directory. You could use kubectl exec to run the ls command in the container, listing the files in that directory.

kubectl attach

On the other hand, kubectl attach allows you to attach to a running process within a container.

Unlike kubectl exec, kubectl attach connects to an existing terminal session, allowing you to observe the standard output and error of the running process.

Example: If you have a Pod running an application that writes logs to standard output, you could use kubectl attach to view these logs in real time.


While kubectl exec spawns a new terminal session, kubectl attach connects to an existing session.

kubectl exec is more versatile for executing arbitrary commands, whereas kubectl attach is useful for interacting with running processes and observing their real-time behavior.

The key takeaway is understanding when to use kubectl exec versus kubectl attach based on the task at hand.

Understanding Kubernetes: CRDs, Resource Definitions, and Operators

Kubernetes has made a significant impact as a container orchestration tool, but it’s crucial to understand that its utility doesn’t end there. One of its most compelling features is the ability to extend its API with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), especially since Kubernetes version 1.7. This article delves into what CRDs are, why they are essential, and how they work in conjunction with controllers to simplify complex tasks within a Kubernetes cluster.

.- What are Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)?

CRDs act as extensions of the Kubernetes API, allowing users to create new types of resources without adding another API server. Simply put, CRDs serve as vehicles to extend the Kubernetes ecosystem. They are vital for enriching Kubernetes functionalities beyond its basic scope.

.- Basic Kubernetes Functionality Without CRDs

In an out-of-the-box Kubernetes setup, users can define deployments that spawn replica sets, which in turn create pods for running containers. Users can also set up services and ingress controllers for network access to these containers. However, this native functionality has limitations, such as lacking an in-built storage solution.

.- The Need for Extending Kubernetes

The real power of Kubernetes lies in its extensibility. Almost every third-party tool or service designed for Kubernetes operates through CRDs, which extend your cluster’s functionalities. For instance, if you are implementing a service mesh like Istio, it will extend your cluster with several CRDs like VirtualServices and Gateways.

.- The Role of Controllers in CRDs

CRDs by themselves are not functional. When a custom resource is created, the Kubernetes API only signals an event stating that a resource is created. Controllers respond to these events. They watch for specific changes to custom resources and take action accordingly, thereby breathing life into CRDs.

.- Benefits of Using CRDs and Controllers

The duo of CRDs and controllers can significantly simplify many tasks. They move the heavy lifting from the client-side to the server-side, reducing complexity and eliminating the need for client-side templating solutions. As a result, end-users can define their applications in a more Kubernetes-native way, without diving into the lower-level details.

Example: Creating a Simple CRD:

apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  name: myresources.mycompany.com
  group: mycompany.com
    - name: v1
      served: true
      storage: true
          type: object
              type: object
                  type: string

.- Understanding Kubernetes Operators

After we’ve laid down the groundwork by discussing CRDs and controllers, it’s essential to touch upon Kubernetes Operators, which bring the two together in a well-organized manner. In essence, an Operator is a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application.

An Operator extends Kubernetes to automate the management of the entire lifecycle of a particular application, API, or resource. It builds upon the basic Kubernetes resource and controller concepts but includes domain or application-specific knowledge to automate common tasks. For example, an Operator could manage a database cluster, handling tasks such as backups, updates, and scaling.

.- Using an Operator to Manage a Database Cluster

Imagine you have a PostgreSQL database running within your Kubernetes cluster. You could deploy a PostgreSQL Operator that automatically handles routine tasks like backups, updates, or even scaling. This Operator would use CRDs to understand custom resources that define the desired state for these tasks and use a controller to ensure the current state matches the desired state.

Here is a simplified YAML example defining a PostgresCluster custom resource, which could be managed by a PostgreSQL Operator:

Example: Using an Operator to Manage a Database Cluster

apiVersion: postgresql.org/v1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: my-postgres-cluster
  replicas: 3
  version: "12"
    enabled: true
    schedule: "0 0 * * *"

.- Recommendations and Best Practices

While CRDs and controllers offer immense utility, it’s critical to rely on established practices and tools when implementing them. Do not attempt to write your controllers manually unless you are very experienced; instead, rely on tools like Operator SDK for creating operators for your CRDs.

.- Wrapping Up

We’ve explored the powerful features Kubernetes provides beyond its basic functionalities. Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) allow us to extend the Kubernetes API, enabling more tailored operations within our cluster. Controllers breathe life into these CRDs by reacting to events and ensuring that the state of our resources aligns with our specifications.

Moreover, we touched upon Kubernetes Operators, which encapsulate both CRDs and controllers, along with domain-specific logic, to manage complex applications effortlessly. Operators serve as the cherry on top in the Kubernetes extensibility model, automating routine tasks and simplifying cluster management even further.

By embracing CRDs, controllers, and operators, we can exploit Kubernetes’ full potential and create an environment that’s not only flexible but also significantly easier to manage. As Kubernetes continues to evolve, leveraging these elements will undoubtedly make our journey in the cloud-native world much smoother.

Decoding Kubernetes: When HPA Can’t Fetch Metrics

The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) is pivotal in Kubernetes. It’s like our trusty assistant, automatically adjusting the number of pods in a deployment according to observed metrics like CPU usage. However, there are moments when it encounters hurdles. One such instance is when you stumble upon error messages such as:

Name:                                                  widget-app-sun
Namespace:                                             development
Metrics:                                               ( current / target )
  resource cpu on pods  (as a percentage of request):  <unknown> / 55%
Min replicas:                                          1
Max replicas:                                          3
Deployment pods:                                       1 current / 0 desired
  Type           Status  Reason                   Message
  ----           ------  ------                   -------
  AbleToScale    True    SucceededGetScale        the HPA controller was able to get the target's current scale
  ScalingActive  False   FailedGetResourceMetric  the HPA was unable to compute the replica count: unable to get metrics for resource cpu: no metrics returned from resource metrics API
  Type     Reason                        Age                 From                       Message
  ----     ------                        ----                ----                       -------
  Warning  FailedComputeMetricsReplicas  20m (x20 over 9m)   horizontal-pod-autoscaler  invalid metrics (1 invalid out of 1), first error is: failed to get cpu utilization: unable to get metrics for resource cpu: no metrics returned from resource metrics API
  Warning  FailedGetResourceMetric       12s (x29 over 9m)   horizontal-pod-autoscaler  unable to get metrics for resource cpu: no metrics returned from resource metrics API

What’s the Scoop?

This cryptic message is essentially HPA’s way of saying, “I’m having a hard time fetching those CPU metrics I need.” But why? Here are a few culprits:

Perhaps Metrics-server isn’t installed or isn’t operating correctly.
Maybe Metrics-server is present, but it’s struggling to fetch metrics from the nodes.
It could be a misconfiguration on HPA’s end.
Sometimes, network policies or RBAC restrictions come into play, obstructing access to the metrics API.

The Detective Work: Troubleshooting Steps

.- Is Metrics-server Onboard?

kubectl get deployments -n kube-system | grep metrics-server

metrics-server           1/1     1            1           221d

If it’s missing in action, it’s time to deploy it. Helm is a handy tool for this. https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/metrics-server/metrics-server

.- How’s Metrics-server Feeling Today?

kubectl get pods -n kube-system -l k8s-app=metrics-server

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
metrics-server-5f9f776df5-zlg42   1/1     Running   6 (71d ago)   221d

Make sure it’s running smoothly. If it’s throwing a tantrum, dive into its logs:

kubectl logs metrics-server-5f9f776df5-zlg42 -n kube-system

I0730 17:07:50.422754       1 secure_serving.go:266] Serving securely on [::]:10250
I0730 17:07:50.425140       1 requestheader_controller.go:169] Starting RequestHeaderAuthRequestController
I0730 17:07:50.425155       1 shared_informer.go:240] Waiting for caches to sync for RequestHeaderAuthRequestController

.- A Peek into Metrics-server’s Config

Sometimes, it needs some flags to communicate correctly, especially if your cluster has a unique CNI or is lounging on a special cloud provider. You might need to check and adjust flags like:

--kubelet-preferred-address-types or --kubelet-insecure-tls

.- The Network or RBAC Culprits

Are there any stringent network policies that are hindering the conversation between the metrics-server and the API server or the kubelets? Or maybe, metrics-server doesn’t have the right RBAC permissions to access metrics?

Peek into network policies in the kube-system namespace:

kubectl get networkpolicy -n kube-system

And don’t forget to inspect the ClusterRole:

kubectl describe clusterrole | grep metrics-server -A10

Name:         system:metrics-server
Labels:       objectset.rio.cattle.io/hash=9a6f488150c249811b9df07e116280789628963e
Annotations:  objectset.rio.cattle.io/applied:

.- Version Harmony: HPA & Metrics-server

Compatibility matters! Ensure HPA and metrics-server are on the same page. Sometimes, a version mismatch might be the root cause.

Here’s how to check your Kubernetes version:

kubectl version

Client Version: v1.28.2
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3

And let’s not forget about the metrics-server:

kubectl describe deployment metrics-server -n kube-system | grep Image:

Image:      rancher/mirrored-metrics-server:v0.6.2

Troubleshooting in Kubernetes can be challenging, but with a systematic approach, many issues, like the HPA metrics problem, can be resolved. It’s essential to understand the components involved and to remain adaptable. As Kubernetes continues to evolve, so too should our methods for diagnosing and fixing problems.

Navigating Kubernetes: Understanding and Addressing the OutOfPods Error

When maneuvering through Kubernetes, one might often encounter the notorious “OutOfPods” error. This error message is predominantly seen when delving into the details of a pod that has failed to be scheduled, illustrated in the example below:

Name:        user-api-server-7869b4c8d9-qw4zp
Namespace:   default
Priority:    0
Node:        <none>
Labels:      app=user-api-server
Annotations: <none>
Status:      Pending
Reason:      Unschedulable
IP:          <none>
IPs:         <none>

  Type     Reason           Age                 From               Message
  ----     ------           ----                ----               -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling 4m32s (x7 over 5m)  default-scheduler  0/6 nodes are available: 3 OutOfPods, 6 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate.

In this context, the “Reason” field is categorized as “Unschedulable,” and the “Message” field clarifies why the pod couldn’t be scheduled. In this scenario, three nodes have reached their scheduling capacity, denoted by “3 OutOfPods.”

Understanding the OutOfPods Error
The “OutOfPods” error signifies that a node has surpassed its pod allocation capacity. Each node within a Kubernetes cluster harbors a specific threshold on the number of pods it can operate, influenced by several factors including the node’s specific configuration and the overall cluster setting.

To investigate this limit, the command kubectl describe node can be employed:

  cpu:                1
  ephemeral-storage:  47145992Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:      0
  hugepages-2Mi:      0
  hugepages-32Mi:     0
  hugepages-64Ki:     0
  memory:             6058428Ki
  pods:               110

Both the “Capacity” and “Allocatable” fields illustrate the maximum number of pods that can be scheduled on the node.

Strategies to Mitigate OutOfPods Error
When confronted with an “OutOfPods” error, it reveals that the node has attained its capacity, and can’t accommodate any more pods until the current ones are terminated or additional resources are integrated.

  1. Node Capacity:

Every node possesses a definitive limit on the pods it can run, influenced by the node’s resources and its configuration.
Solutions: Scale up the nodes if they are perpetually operating at or near capacity, or optimize resource requests and limits.

  1. Cluster Scaling:

Implement auto-scaling solutions to dynamically adapt the number of nodes as needed, especially if your entire cluster is consistently approaching its capacity.

  1. Pod Configuration:

Assess and review resource requests and limits to ensure that pods are not demanding more resources than necessary. Leverage Quality of Service (QoS) classes to aid the scheduler in making more informed decisions.
Implementing QoS Classes: In Kubernetes, pods are categorized into one of three QoS classes: Guaranteed, Burstable, and BestEffort, based on the resource requests and limits set on them.
.- Guaranteed: All containers in the pod have memory and CPU limits, and they are equal to the requests. Use this for critical pods that need specific resources.

.- Burstable: At least one container in the pod has a memory or CPU request. Use this for pods that require a minimum amount of resources to run but can use more resources when available.

.- BestEffort: The pod doesn’t have memory or CPU limits or requests. Use this for non-critical tasks that can run with the remaining resources.

  1. Resource Fragmentation:

Employ affinity and anti-affinity rules to minimize fragmentation by intelligently placing the pods, ensuring optimal utilization of available resources.

  1. Kubelet Configuration:

Adjusting the maxPods configuration option in the Kubelet configuration can alleviate “OutOfPods” errors by allowing more pods to run on a node, considering the node’s available resources.
Implementing Adjustment:
To adjust the maxPods value, you would typically need to modify the Kubelet configuration file, usually located at /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml on the node. You need to do this on every node you want to adjust.
For example, open the Kubelet configuration file in a text editor:

sudo vim /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml

Find the line with maxPods and adjust the value to the desired number, or add a new line with maxPods: if it’s not there.
Save and exit the text editor.
Restart the Kubelet service for the changes to take effect:

sudo systemctl restart kubelet


The OutOfPods error in Kubernetes underscores the criticality of proper resource management within a cluster. Addressing this can be achieved by optimizing node and pod configurations, conscientiously adjusting the maxPods value, and employing Quality of Service (QoS) classes to ensure effective resource allocation. By proactively implementing these strategies, operational hurdles can be avoided, maintaining a robust and efficient Kubernetes environment.